Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Addiction- Post 3 ("Addiction")

After reading this article, I think that the real issue with addiction is teaching children and teenagers the benefits of sobriety. Most teens will try drugs and it's difficult for anyone to stop them. But, I think that what schools need to stress instead of what drugs will do to a person is what can be accomplished by not doing drugs. The main people that can prevent children and teenagers from becoming addicts are parents. "Schools and community programs that educate adolescents about the devestating consequences of addiction can reduce the number of teens likely to try cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. But specialists emphasize taht families play a major role in preventing addiction. Families that nurture strong bonds between parents and children, that emphasize parental involvement in children's acitivities, that set clear and reasonable limits, and that consistently enforce discipline are creating conditions likely to prevent a child from abusing drugs." This seems to be a very accurate assumption, becuase it seems that those with strong and close families are less likely to want to try drugs because they don't really feel the need to or they don't want to hurt or upset their family. But, those who are from broken or distant families don't feel that either anyone will care or that anyone will stop them from becoming addicted to drugs. I think that instead of the programs that are at school now, we need more people talking to parents about their role in their children's vulnerability to addiciton. The article also meantions advertisments and the media's role in the prevention of addiction. But, I think that the bigger issue is how the media makes drugs and alcohol seem fun, exciting, and harmless. Actors, actresses, and music artists are shown addicted to drugs or trying them. This provides negative role models for children and adolescents instead of positive ones that prove that sobriety can help an individual acheive much more than drugs and alcohol can. I know that without my sober parents, I would have a much more difficult time being sober because I wouldn't have anyone to look up to. So many teens are expereimenting with drugs and don't realize the affect that they are having on one another and their parents don't see that by passively allowing their children to do drugs they are encouraging their negative behavior. As I said in other posts, everyone has the potential to become an addict. But, everyone also has the potential to prevent addiction for both themselves and those around them. I think it's okay to try new things and maybe experiement with drugs, but if it gets to the point of addiction, there's no turning back. Everyone needs to help each other on the road to sobriety and recovery instead of dragging one another further down a hole of self- destruction and substance abuse.

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