Thursday, April 28, 2011

Addiction- Abstract

For my project, I am focusing on addiction. More specifically, I’m focusing on the role parents play in the prevention of addiction. One of the most important parts of preventing addiction is not D.A.R.E or programs at school for the children. It’s so vital for parents to have a good connection with their children and to be talking to them and having open, nonjudgmental conversations with their children about drugs prior to them being introduced to them. “School and community programs that educate adolescents about the devastating consequences of addiction can reduce the numbers of teens likely to try cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. But specialists emphasize that families play a major role in preventing addiction. Families that nurture strong bonds between parents and children, that emphasize parental involvement in children’s activities, that set clear and reasonable limits, and that consistently enforce discipline are creating conditions likely to prevent a child from abusing drugs.” (“Addiction”)
            My first source is called “The Science of Addiction”. From this article, I learned about what addictions are and the affect they have on the brain. “’Addictions,’ says Joseph Franscella, director of the division of clinical neuroscience at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), ‘are repetitive behaviors in the face of negative consequences, the desire to continue something you know is bad for you.’” The next article, titled “Behavioral Addictions” taught me about impulse control disorders. These include more than just substance abuse and include many other types of addictions. “…An impulse generally involves urges that produce a strong drive to perform the behavior, which may feel good at the time but ultimately produces regret…” Last, is an article called “Addiction” which taught me about the process of addiction. It also briefly mentioned how parents can help with prevention, which I quoted in the first paragraph. Another valuable source is my mother, who is an addictions counselor.
            I believe that addiction can in many ways be prevented. Programs designed to teach parents how to talk to their children and how to act with their children will help with this because parents will learn their vital role in preventing their children from experimenting with drugs later on in their lives. The stronger a parent-child relationship is, the less likely it will be that their children will develop dangerous addictions later in life. I plan to somehow communicate with the elementary schools and persuading them to develop some programs that will do some of these things and teach the parents of their students about their role in prevention, the variety of addictions that their children can develop, how important it is for them to create safe and healthy environments for their kids while growing up, and what they can do to help.

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