Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obama's State of the Union Address

I really liked Obama's speech. I agree with the majority of what he said. I think it is so important for the American people to work together and trying to solve the problems our country is facing for the greater good of the entire country. It was really awesome to see democrats and republicans sitting together and at times clapping together, and it makes me believe in the future of America a little more. Although we all have different perspectives and view points, it is important for Americans to put aside their differences and work for the greater good instead of their personal desires. Obama is speaking to all the people, not just one party. He is trying to persuade everyone to unite and come together as the united country we say we are. I also really liked what he said about education. The future of America is in the hands of the children, who will eventually be running everything. In order for our country to be the best place it can be, it is vital that all American children have an equal opportunity to aquire as much knowledge as they can about the world and about the vast amount of opportunities available to them through the pursuit of knowledge. It is so important that teenagers and children are lucky enough to have inspirational, caring, and intelligent teachers like we at Deerfield are so lucky to have. Without education, there is no possibility for the future; in order to figure out what else is out there, everyone has to know what already exists. Despite all of the criticism and hate that people send in Obama's direction, I think this speech was really inspiring and hopeful. He helped me be more optimistic about the future and I think that is what make him a good president. He is not focused on personal benefit nor supporting only one party's beliefs. Instead, he's trying to help the greater good and bring the counry together. Some call this socialist, I think he is what the country really needs if Amerians just work with him and stop fighting with eachother because it is not getting us anywhere. If anything, it is holding us back.

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