Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Beautiful Boy" Response 3: Methamphetimine

The most prominent and apparent issue in this book is drug and alcohol abuse. David Sheff does a beautiful job of illustrating and recounting his son, Nic’s, addiction to methamphetamine. From a frighteningly young age, Nic’s relationship with drugs and alcohol began and continued to escalate. Sheff describes all the factors that go along with drug addiction including personality changes, the hurt and pain it results in for family members and loved ones, and the numerous attempts to become and remain clean. He wrote all about methamphetamine; described its history, popularity, and destruction. It has been and continues to be one of the most abused drugs in the United States. Meth destroys a person on the inside and outside. It can change a good kid into a criminal; a monster. “Meth use is an epidemic in many states, but the enormity of the problem has only recently been acknowledged in Washington, partly because of the lag between the time it took for the newest wave of addicts to fill up the nation’s hospitals, rehab facilities, and jails. Former Drug Enforcement Administration chief Asa Hutchinson called methamphetamine ‘the number one drug problem in America.’ It is overwhelming law enforcement, policy-makers, and health-care systems.” (111) In health class sophomore year, I learned a little about meth and irreparable damage it causes to those who are addicted to it. Sheff brought life to this issue. With him, the reader is taken through the timeline of Nic’s meth addiction and shown firsthand the consequences that meth results in for both the addict themselves and those who surround and care about him or her. It was heartbreaking at points, seeing the situation from a parent’s perspective. The entire book it just seemed unfair and selfish. It’s different seeing an addict through the eyes of his father rather than through his own eyes. The addiction that Nic developed to methamphetamine consumed his life. He was no longer himself, he was the drug. He didn’t care anymore about surfing and music and all that he loved. His life was taken over by his drug addiction. It’s scary how quickly and easily an addiction can happen. Especially with meth, which can become an addiction the first time it is used. Beautiful Boy taught me a lot about meth and gave it a face, a personality; life. It’s not just something that homeless people use as I thought before. It is available and not difficult for anybody to develop an addiction to methamphetamine. This fact is scary because anyone can be an addict, even those who don’t seem to fit the profile.   

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