Friday, December 10, 2010


1.       I’m not sure which side is winning the debate, because it seems as if there are a significant amount of people supporting each side. Also, both sides basically spend their time arguing why the other is wrong. The first website, for NARAL Pro-Choice America, does a good job of proving why it is so important for women to be able to choose whether or not to have an abortion. It begins by explaining what anti-abortion groups want and what tactics they use to reach their goals. Then, they say what they believe the solution to the abortion problems in America are. The second website, National Right to Life, explains all the reasons women shouldn’t have abortions and why it should be abolished in America. This includes links to “The Diary of an Unborn Baby” and more to try to convince people to be pro-life and to be against women having the choice to get an abortion. Both websites influenced me to be pro-choice. It doesn’t make sense to me at all that anybody should make the decision whether or not a woman should get an abortion but that individual woman. No person with no connection to the person has any idea why they need an abortion and why having an abortion would be the right choice for both her and the future of her child.
2.      I think that no matter what age a girl is, she has the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. For most cases in which women get an abortion, they don’t really have any other choice. It’s not fair for the baby to be born into a family that doesn’t want him or her or that can’t take care of him or her. I think it’s different in every family for a girl to tell her parents that she is getting or needs to get an abortion. In some cases, it could be cause more harm than good if a girl really needs one and her parents don’t consent to it. It’s their daughter’s choice if she has a baby or not, and it is her choice who knows that she has or is going to have an abortion. It should be up to her if she tell sher parents or not and up to her if she is going to get one.
3.      Depending on the circumstances, the father should be notified of a woman’s decision to get an abortion. If it is his child, he may want to take care of it although the mother cannot. If she gets an abortion, it is getting rid of his child too, which is kind of unfair to him. But, it’s hard to say, because the baby is going to be growing and developing in the mother’s body and she has to deal with most of the consequences of having a baby and being pregnant. Therefore, I don’t think the father should have to consent to a woman having an abortion, but he should be notified and aware of the decision she is making or going to make.
4.      I was really surprised by many of Illinois laws on abortion. For example, the ban on abortion. There seem to be more laws supporting pro-life and not pro-choice, which I was surprised about because we seem to be a generally democratic and liberal state. It’s good that we have a law providing low income women with access to abortions because they make up a large percentage of the people who get abortions. I think that most of the anti-choice laws should be change to provide every woman with the right to choose whether or not abortion is right for them, instead of trying to convince them it is wrong.